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Service Center Project

Objective: Build a workers' compensation service center for an insurance carrier.


Key Results:

  • Launched a new business model for the carrier in less than 6 months.

  • Achieved NPS of over 70

  • Built foundation for the new operating system


After building Cake Insure and managing both product and operational success, we were tasked to build and scale a service center for Pinnacol Assurance. This required a complete system overhaul, including a brand revision, and the introduction of new personas, namely insurance agents. 


Since insurance agents make up roughly 90% of the book of business, it was essential that we took a collaborative look, partnering with our agents, to build and support them with a product and operations that exceeded their expectations.


As is common in product development, we built a Minimally Viable Product (MVP). This meant that much of the functionality that would delight our customers was not fully built out on the platform. To provide a seamless experience for our customers, our Product and Operations teams partnered closely to ensure that all production and operational inconsistencies were fully resolved. Additionally, we focused on the customer experience to ensure customers' needs were not only met, but exceeded. 


After launch, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) at Pinnacol increased from 53 to over 70.

The industry standard in insurance is around 37.


Typing on Computer


A Lean Journey

Objective: Increase Operational Efficiency


Key Results: 

  • Improved operational efficiency by 4M

  • Injured Worker satisfaction score average over 4 out of 5


We began a Lean journey at Pinnacol Assurance focusing on claims process improvements and reduce waste in operations. An audacious target was set to improve operational efficiency by 4M over the course of two years.

We began this work by auditing all of the claims processes, putting together a capacity plan that reflected all of the tasks a Claims Representative (CR) needed to complete. We sat with the CRs timing their tasks and identifying an average handle time. Since we shadowing the work (going to Gemba), we had identified several processes that were ripe for improvement.


We targeted these processes for several Lean events, taking time to complete Rapid Improvement Events. These sessions included a cross-section of team members who were closest to the work including Claims, Customer Service, Mailroom, and Compliance all working together to identify waste in the process and how to eliminate that waste. From there we documented standard work and rolled it out to the company.


We tracked these new processes by having daily stand-ups and visual management boards to ensure the new processes were driving the same or better claims outcomes. The standard work continues to be refined on top of the foundation set by the initial team.

Claims outcomes remain strong, and injured worker satisfaction is at an all-time high.

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Professional Successes: Projects
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